I'm jumping into the middle of my stories from a recent trip to China. My plans of posting here daily or thereabouts were dashed for some reason. Maybe it was seeing and experiencing so much that was new, or traveling in a large group -- meeting new people in our long bus rides. Or maybe it was getting up often at 6 for breakfast on "command" Late in the afternoon the day before, someone -- usually our logistical leader, Lili -- would bellow at the head of the bus, ' 7 am in the lobby and we'll find a place for Qigong/t'ai chi!' Or 'Breakfast at 6:30. Be ready to board the bus at 7!' It was a whirlwind trip of fantastic sights and encounters that I'm still processing. And it was high energy, early mornings, late nights and activity and walking throughout the day. But I feel responsible for notating the outstanding things relating to t'ai chi and so here goes ...
This is a blog about t'ai chi, specifically how we can apply the teachings of this ancient practice to our contemporary lives. How do we navigate an icy sidewalk? What is the best posture for that dreaded job interview? There are the eternal problems, of course, of back pain and creaky knees. My intention is to have a place to share ideas about t'ai chi methods of caring for our spirits and bodies in today's complicated world.