Taoism, a philosophy as well as a religion
Came across an interesting article in the NYT recently about Taoism’s perspective on what it means to be human and what it means to die. Tai chi as you may know is the movement embodiment of Taoism, and I’ve been curious for most of my time studying this Eastern art to understand what Taoism is all about. But aside from the amazing writings of LaoTze -- a must! -- I've been somewhat disappointed. there's precious little on the books. (Though ask me about the few t'ai chi stories that you come across now and then, including the one about the man at the drive-through Starbucks!)
I’d be interested in your response. If you feel inclined, jot your thots in the comments section below. Or, maybe while we’re waiting for folks to show up to our zoom-room next week we can chat about it a bit.
Came across an interesting article in the NYT recently about Taoism’s perspective on what it means to be human and what it means to die. Tai chi as you may know is the movement embodiment of Taoism, and I’ve been curious for most of my time studying this Eastern art to understand what Taoism is all about. But aside from the amazing writings of LaoTze -- a must! -- I've been somewhat disappointed. there's precious little on the books. (Though ask me about the few t'ai chi stories that you come across now and then, including the one about the man at the drive-through Starbucks!)
ALL JOKING ASIDE, I’ve found only simple one sentence references to what Taoism is — like being in sync with nature, or yin-yang. ho hum. Glibly said, easily forgotten. So when I came across this article the other day, titled A conversation with the religious scholar Brook Ziporyn on Taoism, life and what might come after. I was delighted to find a profound examination of this little understood religion-philosophy.
I’d be interested in your response. If you feel inclined, jot your thots in the comments section below. Or, maybe while we’re waiting for folks to show up to our zoom-room next week we can chat about it a bit.
Speaking of which, a new beginners t'ai class is starting up! Friday mornings, and it looks like it's going to be a fun class. contact me if you're interested, or know someone who might be: soozntaichi@gmail.com/
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A question: What about T’ai chi embodies Taoism? Or put another way, how is Taoism reflected in the practice of T’aiji?