I'm passing along a well-researched newsletter, published every few months by one of my former teachers, Dr. Yang. He is a true scholar of the research that is being conducted on the effects and benefits of taiji and qi gong. Indeed he holds a Ph.D in kinesiology and has become versed in how and why t'aichi works to improve our overall health and sense of well being. And he drilled us in "Santi" floor work. So if you ever wonder why you're standing and practicing santi over and over, fretting over your foot placement, you have Dr. Yang to thank! The current newsletter includes a particularly interesting study on the effect of t'aiji on the condition known as COPD, a lung impairment, which causes intense difficulty breathing. Passing it along for your information. http://newsletter.centerfortaiji.com/2019sum...
This is a blog about t'ai chi, specifically how we can apply the teachings of this ancient practice to our contemporary lives. How do we navigate an icy sidewalk? What is the best posture for that dreaded job interview? There are the eternal problems, of course, of back pain and creaky knees. My intention is to have a place to share ideas about t'ai chi methods of caring for our spirits and bodies in today's complicated world.